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What defines a person?

What makes us who we are? The people around us, significant others’, family, friends….? I’ve actually had a hard time finding myself lately. It feels like I’ve been meshed together with bits and pieces of the people around me. Instead of being my own self, I think I just let myself be overwhelmed by others. I realize this kind of sounds a little bit strange, but I hadn’t really thought about it, until I was left on my own for a couple of days.

I guess I just got so into what all the people around me were doing, and that caused me to lose sight of who I am. It’s not really anyone else’s fault, but I’d just forgotten what it was like to be by myself. When I first encountered it, I was left thinking that I was just lonely. It’s weird because I used to be on my own a lot, and that never bothered me before. I guess I got used to having another person with me at all times, and didn’t realize that I needed some time on my own as well. At first, it was off-putting because it just felt really strange. Then I guess things just got to my head for a while. I got sad, and then I got reflective.

The truth is that I know that I need to work on who I am, and how I define myself. I kind of lost sight of that because I hadn’t had time to myself. When I go back and evaluate some of my feelings and thoughts, I am actually quite surprised by some of my actions. I was happy before, and now I let things worry me too much. The truth is that it’s okay to get mad and angry, and I know that these feelings are good to have. Maybe a part of me was just bottling up some things.

Anyway, it’s nice to have time to think on my own. I want to continue to work on who I am as a person, and hopefully not get so engrossed with what others are doing.


“ You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”– Maya Angelou


It’s been about a year since I last uploaded a blog. I’ve been keeping a journal although the entries are also kind of sporadic. It’s kind of crazy to think about everything that has happened this year. I’m graduating this in a few weeks, and I’m really excited to move on. I’m kind of sad though because I’ve really enjoyed my 4 years here. I think that going home will be really weird for me.

I’m going to be attending graduate school. I’m going for my master degree in counseling. I think that it should be an interesting experience. I kind of want to do it as a test run-being at home. I’ve been thinking about seeing how those 2 years go, and if I don’t like home anymore I might consider moving back to New York. I just think of it as home now-which is sad because I am leaving. I think my family will be really happy to have me back, but I am feeling conflicted.

I thought this year would be really stressful, but I am finding that it is not that bad. This semester was tough to handle at first, but I gradually got in sync with what I needed to be doing. I’ve been active with the tennis club, and it’s been amazing. This year the club has been much more active, and it’s been nice to be able to play and go to tournaments. I think I might try joining a country club when I go home.

I’m a little stressed about going back home because I still need to find a job. I’ve been applying to jobs from school, but so far I haven’t heard anything back. It’s a little frustrating. I’m going to keep applying though because I know that I will eventually get an interview. I just kind of made a mistake with my major, and I want to work in a different kind of environment.

I started volunteering at CTL (Crisis Text Line), and I have found the experience to be very eye-opening for me. I like helping people, and I like to listen. This spring I am also enrolled in a counseling course that has helped me a lot too. I think that it helped me decided what I want to move forward towards. I hope that I can keep going towards my goals.

Anyway this year has been great. I’m looking forward to being done with this chapter of my life. Time to continue on. I’m not sure how often I will blog. I won’t make any promises, but I’ll try to get on more.


You got to keep going on. You gotta keep dreaming.

Long Month

There has been so much stuff going on this month, and now it’s almost over. Which means that finals week is approaching now too. I’m excited to go home. I miss my family and my friend. My dad just had surgery, and I’m sad that I wasn’t able to be there. Everything went well, but I wish I had been able to be there. 

I’ve packed most of my college stuff now. My dorm room is really deconstructed now. It’s sad, but I’m anxious to be home. I’m going to be busy this summer. There is so much stuff that I need to do in order to graduate on time. 

I am excited for next year though because I’m going to be living with my friend. It should be a good time. We have both complained a lot about our roommates, and now we are finally going to try to live together. I hope everything will go well. 

I’m anxious about traveling. It used to be exciting, and now I just want to get it over with. It’s just a waste of a day. I wish there was a simpler way to travel. I hope I don’t miss my flights, and I hope they don’t get delayed because I just want to be home on time. 

I really don’t feel like studying at all for finals, but I should. It’s just a drag. I wish there was a simpler way to be done with school. 

I have moments where I feel like writing something and expressing feelings, but I almost always stop myself because I need to be doing work. This spring semester has basically been me studying. It’s been a long hard-kind of depressing-road. I’m kind of proud of myself because I know that I can do better. The more work I put into studying the better I end up doing in my classes. It’s just nice to see that my grades are much much better.

I calmed down this semester a lot. I feel like this has to do more with the classes I am taking. Seriously it’s been so hard to keep on track. I’ve managed, but I know that I can still do much much better. It’s just hard for me to apply myself because I’ve had such horrible studying habits. They are at least slowly getting better.

I kind of have been putting myself out there a little more. It’s hard because I’m just so used to taking the back seat on things. I don’t know I just feel like I tend to comply to things just so that there won’t be any more trouble. I shove my opinions and my views to the bottom because I would rather not get into a heated argument. I think it’s interesting to see myself in a different way-that is when I actually speak up. It’s a nice change though because this more “outgoing” person won’t let herself be stepped on.

I’m kind of getting anxious about graduating-hopefully I will graduate on time. I’m used to coming to school out of state, so I feel that when I move back home I will get tired. I’ll miss winter. I’ll miss the snow. I’ll miss the outgoing friends I have made. It’s kind of depressing because I love New York, and I don’t want to leave it behind. I know my family is expecting me back, but I don’t really want to go back. It’s hard, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to just go back home like that. I don’t know. I still have one more year left.

I used to be in band in high school. I did marching band, and when I came to college I joined the pep band and the orchestra here. It was a disappointment. The pep band didn’t care about tuning and sound quality, and it’s hard to let go of that when you’ve been taught to listen. I just couldn’t deal with the cacophony, and I ended up quitting. In orchestra it was a much nicer sound, but the size was disappointing. I’m definitely not used to being the only flute player, and I’m not that great of a player to think that I can handle that sort of responsibility. I ended up quitting that as well, but mostly because they demanded a lot of my time. I found it hard to balance with school. Now that I haven’t played in a year, I find that I really really miss it. I convinced myself to try to perform on my own time. I want to make myself a better player. I know it will be hard to stay with a plan, but I really love music. I think it will be worth it.

This year has been very stressful. A lot of things have changed. One of my favorite mangas ended (I’m talking about Naruto). I’m a huge huge fan, and it was heart-wrenching to see it end because I have been following since I was in middle school. I’m happy though because they made a pretty good movie, and there will be a mini-series that will begin to be released in late April. I’m also excited because Digimon is coming back with the original characters. Then there are the Naruto light novels that are being published, and the new movie that will be coming out this summer. It’s nice to know that the series of Naruto hasn’t been completely finished.

Anyway this was a lot random rambling, but it was nice to get something out-considering I hadn’t published anything in a very long time. I always say that I will try to keep up, but this time I will definitely try to at least update monthly. That seems like a pretty logical thing to do. Until next time.


Things will never end as long as they stay with us in our hearts. 


Regret is a powerful thing. Going back and looking back at all the memories of my life I realized that I wish I could have changed some things. I wish I would have been nobler. I wish I would have had more courage. I wish I had been a better person. I just wish I could have changed a lot of things. I don’t really know why I started to reminisce, but these were some powerful memories that just didn’t want to leave me alone. They kept replaying themselves in my head. It’s hard to realize your mistakes.

I’ve made a lot of mistakes, and some of them have been because I hold grudges. It’s hard to put yourself in someone else’s shoes without knowing all the facts. I’ve lost some friends over time, but some of the losses hit me harder than others. It’s just ludicrous to me how I lost some of these friends that I became so close to. It makes me realize that everyone makes mistakes, and it’s not healthy to hold on to grudges. It’s better to let go of these. I’ve let go of things, but sometimes it’s too late-especially when it comes to friendships.

Friends are for a lifetime if things work out correctly, and I’ve let little things interfere with some of my friendships. I let things get awkward with some, and I’ve gotten mad over insignificant matters. I just wish that I would’ve worked through things with some of my past friends.


I have regrets, but I’ll remember these moments when I make my future choices.

It’s Been A While…Again

I’m so bad at keeping up with things, but one thing that I do know is that I will forever come back to blogging-just because it is such a nice thing to do. It helps me organize my thoughts, and all that good stuff. Kind of gives me direction-if I am being completely honest.

I’ve complained about how anti-social I am, and how I was lonely-all that jazz. I’m sure you can find some older blogs where I would talk about the shittiness of being a loner. Yeah, well this fall semester I went out of my comfort zone, and it’s been an interesting experience to say the least.

I’ve made a group of friends, and we hang out religiously-most specifically on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. It’s been a good semester with them. The sad thing is that the semester is almost over, and two of the people in this group of friends are exchange students. One of them is leaving for sure this semester, and the other is unsure if he will be allowed to come back. I’m hoping that everything works out for him because I don’t want to lose him. He’s a good friend.

I’ve experienced so much with this group of friends, and I can’t say I regret being introverted for my first two years of college. It was worth the wait because these friends I made are the truest form of friends. We stick together, and it feels like I have known them my whole life. It’s been an interesting change of pace with them. I am the happiest I have been here, and it’s been an amazing junior year so far.

I study a bit more than I used to, but my study habits are still pretty damn horrible. I’ve gotten better, but it’s still a struggle to study consistently. The homework, the reading, and the tests are just normalcy in my life now, and some days I just don’t want to do anything (most days…yeah most days I don’t want to do anything). I have always felt pressured by family to be the “good” child of the family. The one who gets the good grades. The one who doesn’t go out. The one who can be depended upon to be home at any hour. It’s just exhausting to live up to the expectations.

I was a pretty complacent daughter for a while, but at some point there has to be a breaking point. Sometimes these breaking points work out nicely, but really in reality there is always chaos that reigns. I’ve been experiencing my life as a college student more, and what I mean by this is that I’ve been exploring myself. Yeah, that involves drinking and some other things that I really don’t care to mention, but I’ve been living. It may sound bad, but freedom is something that I’ve been scared to experience because one always hears about the outcomes of bad decisions.

Well when one makes a decision-how does one know if it is a bad or a good decision? If I let my insecurities control me, then how will I grow up? How will I experience my limits? How will I learn to judge? It’s all about making wrong choices, and figuring out what you really want from something/someone. I’m not saying it’s easy to let go of the control, but it’s liberating. I’ve controlled my life. I’ve controlled myself from experiencing things, and I can’t say that it was the best choice. I just want to live more freely from now on-without worrying too much about the outcomes. Of course there will be exceptions, but I’m looking forward to this new outlook.

So if anyone that follows my blog didn’t know…I’m a huge nerd. I turned out this way mostly because most of my cousins and my brother. I used to hang out with them a lot when I was little. I’m like the only girl in the circle, so sometimes I tend to act like a guy in some aspects. My brother had the biggest influence on me though. I learned about video games, music, sports, manga, and anime from my brother. It’s amazing really, but this past week has been a sad week for me.

Naruto-which I have been watching since I was in middle school ended. I was really upset, but I was also extremely happy because my OTP (one true pairing) ended up together. Ever since I started reading Naruto I always wanted Sasuke and Sakura to end up together, and in the end they did. I was extremely happy, and I met some really nice people from this fandom.

What I didn’t enjoy was the aftermath of the last chapter releases. There was a lot of dishing and unpleasantries going on about the end. It was extremely distasteful. I wish people would be more considerate towards others. There were people trying to get Naruto banned because they didn’t like the ending. There were others who were harassing Kishimoto and his assistant. You have a right to be upset if Naruto didn’t end the way you wanted it to, but you have no right to so blatantly disrespect the creator. Without Kishimoto there would be no Naruto in the first place. It’s just frustrating to me how fans can act this way. When you make your own story for over 15 years, then you have the right to end it the way you want. The hate seriously needs to stop.

The last part of the blog was just a little tangent, but yeah…Anyway hopefully I can blog more seriously now. I hope to continue blogging…hopefully more frequently, but I won’t make any promises. I hope everyone has a lovely day.


It’s odd how when I am on “break” I don’t have the inclination to blog. I would think that it is the opportune moment to blog more, but I just don’t feel much like it. I guess when I think of break I think of not doing anything at all. It’s a bad habit from my normal school days.

Well I’m not really on a real break this month though…I’m taking a summer course in my hometown community college, so maybe that is why I had the inclination to blog. haha I don’t know. Usually when I get stressed out or when I feel like I should be working on something else is when I have the “desire” to blog.

I should really be studying for a test I have later today, but yet here I am. I’ve been a little frustrated with myself with regards to my studying habits. Not only that, but I also feel like I need to be a little more motivated when it comes to my future. I don’t really know why I find it so hard to enjoy the things I am studying.

Ugh it would be so much simpler if I enjoyed the field I am studying, but I guess my mind just doesn’t wan’t to merge with what I want. I don’t know…

Well anyway summer is going pretty well, and I’m enjoying myself more-even if I am taking a summer course. (At least it’s only one month, last year I took courses all throughout summer…yeah that was like almost two years of non-stop schoolwork.)

Let’s change topics. One thing that I am really excited about is going to Mexico. When I was younger we used to go every summer, but it’s been getting really dangerous in Mexico lately. I hadn’t been able to go in like 5 years. I’m excited to be able to go this summer, but I’m also a little bit scared because it’s not like things have gotten better.

Well I hope everything works out…now I really need to get studying for this test…


It’s incredible to notice the gradual change in yourself. I’ve noticed some subtle differences in my “system.” An example of this would be the subtle change in the way I made friends. When I was little we moved from California to Texas. We lived with my uncle for a little bit, and then once my parents found a house we moved out. The problem with that was that I was already in a different school, and the change of adress sent me to a different elementary school. It’s odd but little kids can certainly be meaner than adults. To put it nicely I wasn’t liked much because I was weird. I came after everyone else had already known each other, and kids aren’t that comfortable with change. I was pretty much isolated. I don’t think I minded much. The elementary school years were already filled with a lot of new things and I was too interested in coloring or reading than to bother with making friends.

I don’t remember crying about it or anything. I think I got along with the teachers, and that was good enough for me. So I didn’t really have close friends from my early childhood days. In third grade I got moved to an all english classroom (I used to be in a bilingual class). I think I had an easier time in this atmosphere since a lot of the kids were from different classrooms. Bilingual classes tend to stick together. Most of the kids from my kindergarten class up to my second grade class were always together. So it was odd for one of us to be moved out, but I embraced it because I wanted to have more friends. I ended up opening up more in the all english class. Again these students didn’t know each other that well becuase they all came from differing classes.

I met my best friend in this class. We are still friends now. We aren’t as close as we used to be, but I think that’s because of the distance. I am in New York, and she is in Oklahoma. It’s only natural to lose a little of the closeness. Anyway…I guess now as an adult you have to take the time to be friendly to everyone. It’s kind of a hard concept. I’m just not comforable talking to people sometimes I prefer to be by myself. It’s odd. I have a handful of friends, but I am really only close to about 3 of them. These 3 people are the ones that I would trust with my deepest darkest secrets. ha So I guess now that I am older I have to pretend to like people, and I hate doing it. I geniuenly like the nice people, but sometimes it’s hard for me to like the materialistic people. It doesn’t help that I go to a private college in upstate NY. A lot of people up there are rich, and a little spoiled. So yeah it’s hard to deal with them sometimes.

Anyway this is more random than what I wanted to originally haha I definitely got distracted….


Sometimes it’s hard to give people the benefit of the doubt, but if you look underneath the underneath, then sometimes there worth a chance.

Human Culpability

So this is another one of my essays that I wrote for one of my college courses. I thought I would share once again cause I thought it was a sort of relative kind of topic one would blog about.

Humans are capable of many things, but what can we really achieve in times of destruction? Are we still bound by our moral integrity… our sanity? Do our animalistic instincts arise? Do we let go of our intellect and of our conscious mind to do the one thing that all animals strive to do, to survive? The Holocaust, like so many other calamitous events, questions what humans are truly capable of. When we are forced to survive-will our beliefs, our ethics, and our family and friends play a role in our survival? Will we remain human, or will we lose all sense of humanity and be left with our most primitive instincts? Will we become animals? Or will we conquer and assure ourselves that we will find our way? Will love save us?

Eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep, work…is what many people of the Holocaust were left with after being in the prison camps for so long. These prisoners were stripped of their clothes, their belongings, and their human rights. They were put to work, and they were shown just how expendable they were. The soldiers murdered children, women, men, and babies. No one was spared. Do something wrong, and the only thing that waits is death. These humans became mindless machines striving to withstand their torture. They became robots. “The bread, the soup-those were my entire life. I was nothing but a body. Perhaps even less: a famished stomach. The stomach alone was measuring time “(Wiesel 61). Where these prisoners still human? In a biological way they were considered human, but the beautiful mind…the thoughts, the honor, the respect, the dignity…aren’t these qualities also part of what makes us human? These people were treated as objects and nothing more. To the Nazi’s they were nothing more than animals who were needed to complete their work. These humans were stripped of their humanity, of their will, until only one thing remained-perseverance.

After being subjected to so much death, the people became numb to the atrocities they witnessed. The murder of innocents never stopped, and they were forced to be used to it. These humans became living shells of what they had once been. The primal instincts came out, and nothing else mattered. Family was forgotten. Friends were forgotten. Only the desire to survive remained- no matter what the cost. “The old man mumbled something, groaned, and died…His son searched him, took the crust of bread , and began to devour it…When they withdrew, there were two dead bodies next to me, the father and the son” (Wiesel 99). This scene from Night, of a man throwing bread into the wagon, caused a fight to break out among the men. The men were described as “beasts of prey”, and their eyes were filled with “animal hate”. The man that got ahold of the bread was beaten to death by his own son. The son murdered his father for a crust of bread, and the others murdered the son for a chance of getting a piece of that bread. This scene really puts into perspective just how starved, and out of their minds these people were. They had become animals fighting to the death for food. They were so starved and tortured that their minds took over, and all they could think about was the need to feed. There were other instances in the book Night  were Elie Wiesel mentions the prisoners fighting against each other, and he also mentions that many of the prisoners betrayed their families in some sort of way-including himself.  Elie Wiesel mentions that he ignored his father when he was being beat by an SS officer. “I shall never forgive myself. Nor shall I ever forgive the world for having pushed me against the wall, for having turned me into a stranger, for having awakened in me the basest, most primitive instincts. His last word had been my name. A summons. And I had not responded” (Wiesel 11). Can you imagine…betraying your own family to avoid a beating?  We like to think of ourselves as honorable, but if we were in some of these people’s shoes would we truly uphold those values and morals? What are we really capable of in order to guarantee that we pull through with our life…?

The guilt after surviving is also a nightmare. Why did we survive when so many others perished? What makes us so peculiar? Is this our punishment for betraying those that we loved? The trauma that is left, the survivor’s guilt, is inconsolable. Only time will heal, and sometimes time can’t erase the monstrosities that happened. Those officers that were Jewish…how could they follow orders like that? How could they eradicate their own like they were nothing?  How could anyone kill…murder like that? The will to live, the fear of death, and the manipulative lies that were told about racial superiority were the cause of this. Fear is a powerful thing. When people are dying at every moment-being shot without mercy, being burned, being experimented on, and being gassed-that makes for really powerful emotions.  The way these emotions are harnessed depends on the person. Some lose the will to live. Some lose themselves in their laments for their family and friends. Some seal themselves from all of their feelings.  Each deals with the trauma differently, and in that moment we are different beings because some fall to despair while others cling to hope. Some live, some die, some betray, and others are just lost. In the end, only those that experienced the destruction can truly testify to the conditions and the choices made. We are capable of many things, but even we can’t fabricate such emotional turmoil. The guilt lives on in everyone because we created those conditions and those atrocities as a species.

Even with these instances that mark us as animalistic beasts, there are qualities that redeem us. Not all humans are weak minded.  There are people out there that refuse to give in to just their primitive qualities. Family union and love is a pillar of strength in the movie, Life is Beautiful. This movie ventures into the love of a family trying to survive the Holocaust. The father, Guido, goes to extreme lengths to protect his son from the atrocities of the concentration camp. Guido also helps reassure his wife that his son and he are safe. Guido invents a game, and he coerces his son into accepting it as fact. “The game starts now. You have to score one thousand points. If you do that, you take home a tank with a big gun. Each day we will announce the scores from that loudspeaker. The one who has the fewest points will have to wear a sign that says “Jackass” on his back. There are three ways to lose points. One, turning into a big crybaby. Two, telling us you want to see your mommy. Three, saying you’re hungry and want something to eat” (Benigni Life is Beautiful). Guido enforces these rules onto his son, going through a lot of trouble to keep him from the real truth. Guido-as a father, as a human, and as a husband-is willing to go through anything to ensure that his son doesn’t learn the truth. He is willing to compromise his life to ensure the survival of his son. He is willing to sacrifice himself.  He keeps the pretense of normality to make sure that his son isn’t frightened. Love is a powerful emotion. This emotion keeps Guido and his family strong through their struggles in the camp.

Humans are fragile beings. We are animals, yet there are so many different aspects that set us apart from animals. We are unique. We are strong. We are weak. We are easy manipulated. We are emotional. We are so many distinctive and contradicting things. Each one of us is different, yet we also have underlying currents that make us so similar. We experience a lot together…death, destruction, peace, unity, and nature. We are capable of a lot in both spectrums of good and evil. We are continually evolving, and even with evolution, there is always a chance of another calamity like the Holocaust occurring. We won’t ever be free of evil or corruption because there will always be someone out there willing to wreak havoc and destruction, and it us up to us to understand and analyze why the human mind is so abstract and different. It is up to us to learn of our own capabilities as humans.

Giving Up

Some days I feel like giving up. Is everything worth it? Is this really what I want to be doing with my life? I just get a little melancholic, and I feel trapped. I guess it’s a little odd for me to feel trapped because it’s not like my parents or anyone else forced me to come to college. I choose my major, and I’ve chosen what I want out of life. Still…some days I find myself wondering if all this hard work will pay off.

Am I doing enough? Should I work harder? I know I have the potential to do better, but I just can’t seem to motivate myself fully either. All these thoughts and emotions plague and overcome me. Why can’t I do better? Why can’t I try harder? It’s frustrating. It’s too much sometimes. Some days I just feel like disappearing. I just want to be gone. 

I’m not saying that I’m suicidal or anything like that, but I guess what I am trying to say is that I want a concrete break. A week is not enough. I want maybe a year to go out and do crazy shit, but I know I can’t afford to take a year off right now-not in the middle of my degree. It’s just so suffocating sometimes. I feel like I’m drowning. I feel like I’m losing myself. I feel empty and devoid. It’s hard to explain…I just…I don’t know. I don’t even know what I want some days. I don’t know where I am going, and that seriously scares me. 


I don’t know what the future will bring, I don’t know where I will end up, and that is the scariest part of my life right now-the uncertainty.