Tag Archive: Tennis


It’s been about a year since I last uploaded a blog. I’ve been keeping a journal although the entries are also kind of sporadic. It’s kind of crazy to think about everything that has happened this year. I’m graduating this in a few weeks, and I’m really excited to move on. I’m kind of sad though because I’ve really enjoyed my 4 years here. I think that going home will be really weird for me.

I’m going to be attending graduate school. I’m going for my master degree in counseling. I think that it should be an interesting experience. I kind of want to do it as a test run-being at home. I’ve been thinking about seeing how those 2 years go, and if I don’t like home anymore I might consider moving back to New York. I just think of it as home now-which is sad because I am leaving. I think my family will be really happy to have me back, but I am feeling conflicted.

I thought this year would be really stressful, but I am finding that it is not that bad. This semester was tough to handle at first, but I gradually got in sync with what I needed to be doing. I’ve been active with the tennis club, and it’s been amazing. This year the club has been much more active, and it’s been nice to be able to play and go to tournaments. I think I might try joining a country club when I go home.

I’m a little stressed about going back home because I still need to find a job. I’ve been applying to jobs from school, but so far I haven’t heard anything back. It’s a little frustrating. I’m going to keep applying though because I know that I will eventually get an interview. I just kind of made a mistake with my major, and I want to work in a different kind of environment.

I started volunteering at CTL (Crisis Text Line), and I have found the experience to be very eye-opening for me. I like helping people, and I like to listen. This spring I am also enrolled in a counseling course that has helped me a lot too. I think that it helped me decided what I want to move forward towards. I hope that I can keep going towards my goals.

Anyway this year has been great. I’m looking forward to being done with this chapter of my life. Time to continue on. I’m not sure how often I will blog. I won’t make any promises, but I’ll try to get on more.


You got to keep going on. You gotta keep dreaming.

These last couple of days have been super busy. I’ve been trying to get a new/used flute because the one I have is about to die. UIL for band is tomorrow, today there is a football game, and honestly there is no time for me to blog. I’m like 5 or 6 chapters behind in Ap-Psychology reading, and I’m 2 chapters behind in Ap-U.S. History. I haven’t been keeping up with my pre-cal homework, and I still have to correct a test for Ap-Chemistry. There is just so much for me to do, and I just don’t have time to put my thoughts up here. I’m blogging right now during my 1st period because I need to rant. Not ranting is like killing me. Haha I finished this off just now D:D:D:D:D:D:D I forgot what I needed to rant about…

Day 26 – A photo of somewhere you’ve been to.
Day 27 – A picture of you last year and now and how have you changed since then?

Well I think I can know express myself more than I used to. I’m learning to trust, and to be more accepting of others.

Day 28 – Your favorite movie.
My favorite movie of the moment would be My Soul To Take. It’s probably because I just watched it a couple of days ago.
Day 29 – Something you could never get tired of doing.
Playing tennis lol I would get tired like physically tired, but I wouldn’t get tired of the game or concept.
Day 30 – A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days

1. I have become more aware of my flaws and the ones that are tied to some of my friends.
2. I’m a little more calm, and relaxed after finishing this even if it is super duper late.
3. I’m happy that I can be who I am without a care in the world.


Forgetting who you are is fine, but never let yourself get so lost, that you can’t find your way back.


Day 9 – A photo of the item you last purchased.

I’m exited for tomorrow 🙂 I get to go play tennis during/after school! It makes me happy because I’m starting to realize that I have gotten so much better. I’m on cloud nine right now. I know I will probably lose my match since the people we are playing have probably been playing since they were like 5, but I at least want to give them some competition! I’m excited for tomorrow, and I am happy right now. I’m also very tired and sleep deprived so I’ll make this entry short.

Day 10 – A photo of your favorite place to eat.
Day 11 – What’s in your makeup bag?
Day 12 – A photograph of the town you live in.
Day 13 – Your favorite musician and why?
Day 14 – A TV show you’re currently addicted to.
Day 15 – Something you don’t leave the house without.
Day 16 – Your celebrity crush.
Day 17 – A photo of you and your family.
Day 18 – Something you crave a lot.
Day 19 – Another picture of yourself.
Day 20 – The meaning behind your blog name.
Day 21 – A photo of something that makes you happy.
Day 22 – A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
Day 23 – 15 facts about you.
Day 24 – A photo of something that means a lot to you.
Day 25 – What’s in your purse?
Day 26 – A photo of somewhere you’ve been to.
Day 27 – A picture of you last year and now and how have you changed since then?
Day 28 – Your favorite movie.
Day 29 – Something you could never get tired of doing.
Day 30 – A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days

Through time we come to understand that everything can be quite simple.

Life in Progress

Band camp was/is fine :/, but as troublesome as evah. Tomorrow is the last day and next week I start tennis practice. Cool, right? Not really cause when I get a rest from something, something else comes up. Tennis is raw though so it’s alright. I tried so hard to not get a farmers tan this year, and I am pretty sure I have succeeded…for now. So this summer has been pretty darn good. Everyone in band has been working so hard, altough, there is some who could work a little harder. The heat has gotten to many of us, frustration is almost always in the air. It’s not like people do it on purpose, but sometimes this “frustration” can be very angering. 🙂 I hope we can overcome the problems, and work super uber hard so we can make it to state! Tempers are short, people tend to show their ugly side, but if we can’t get passed that…how can we achieve our goal? I know we can do it, and hopefully so does everyone else.

I’ve been completely addicted to this song from an anime…The anime is called To Love Ru and it’s funny, and it is a bit perverted D: (overall=funny + sweet). I watched a while back-towards the beginning of summer and I really like the song (CHAAA!!) :D. So here is the english lyrics translation:

Opening theme of To Love-Ru as performed by Thyme, copyright goes to Xebec.
Forever We Can Make It
English Lyrics:
(translated by ParasolPop, if you’d like to use the lyrics for something, just ask. :D)

Forever we can make it,
Forever we can make it.

The crossfire gazes of girls in love: it’s like bang; oh-so cute!
He’s shy and short but despite that, we’re still attracted to him.
According to the love corner of magazines,
We should know when to play hard to get;
So just take it easy.

But the tone of the answering machine rang out for twice as long,
it’s almost like the waiting time seemed to slow down.
If it keeps dragging on forever,
Just u-turn at one;
It’s a waste of time to resist.

Oh, how nice it’d be if people’s hearts came with peepholes.
But then I’d probably get so insecure,
That I’d think everyones’ trying to tear us apart.
My feelings for you are starting to overflow,
But even if they all spilled into the sea,
I assure you I’d still find them.

It’s our best chance;
Now is the time!
Don’t let it slip;
It comes only once!
Who cares if we get hurt?
Forever we can make it!
(Forever we can make it)

That contest was far too easy; the rival was an exception; so go fight!
You’ve no control over what’s to come, despite that devilish, diabolical smirk.
And that saying love from wanting to love,
Which comes from lines nobody uses?
It might actually have a point.

But the one thing which went the way you wanted,
Was all that finished research,
Yet your hearts’ still like some spare room; oh how I wish I could enter.
In your thoughts you’re still trying to escape me;
but I still yearn to enter; I wonder when I’ll finally be able to access it?

It’s our best chance;
Now is the time!
Don’t let this slip;
It comes only once!
Who cares if we get hurt?
Forever we can make it!
(we can make it)

Forever we can make it,
Forever we can make it,
Forever we can make it,
Forever we can make it.

Why don’t you try and start loving from the peak of your heart?

We’ve finally discovered how crucial it is to just be straightforward,
It’s not good to hurt someone’s feelings;
(So we will never give up!
Forever we can make it!)
It’s our best chance,
Now is the time!
Don’t miss this;
Just this once!
We’re not going to regret this, right?
Forever we can make it.
(We can make it)

Forever we can make it,
Forever we can make it.


Take care of what you say because your venomous words can be painful to others.