It’s odd how when I am on “break” I don’t have the inclination to blog. I would think that it is the opportune moment to blog more, but I just don’t feel much like it. I guess when I think of break I think of not doing anything at all. It’s a bad habit from my normal school days.

Well I’m not really on a real break this month though…I’m taking a summer course in my hometown community college, so maybe that is why I had the inclination to blog. haha I don’t know. Usually when I get stressed out or when I feel like I should be working on something else is when I have the “desire” to blog.

I should really be studying for a test I have later today, but yet here I am. I’ve been a little frustrated with myself with regards to my studying habits. Not only that, but I also feel like I need to be a little more motivated when it comes to my future. I don’t really know why I find it so hard to enjoy the things I am studying.

Ugh it would be so much simpler if I enjoyed the field I am studying, but I guess my mind just doesn’t wan’t to merge with what I want. I don’t know…

Well anyway summer is going pretty well, and I’m enjoying myself more-even if I am taking a summer course. (At least it’s only one month, last year I took courses all throughout summer…yeah that was like almost two years of non-stop schoolwork.)

Let’s change topics. One thing that I am really excited about is going to Mexico. When I was younger we used to go every summer, but it’s been getting really dangerous in Mexico lately. I hadn’t been able to go in like 5 years. I’m excited to be able to go this summer, but I’m also a little bit scared because it’s not like things have gotten better.

Well I hope everything works out…now I really need to get studying for this test…