Tag Archive: Home


It’s been about a year since I last uploaded a blog. I’ve been keeping a journal although the entries are also kind of sporadic. It’s kind of crazy to think about everything that has happened this year. I’m graduating this in a few weeks, and I’m really excited to move on. I’m kind of sad though because I’ve really enjoyed my 4 years here. I think that going home will be really weird for me.

I’m going to be attending graduate school. I’m going for my master degree in counseling. I think that it should be an interesting experience. I kind of want to do it as a test run-being at home. I’ve been thinking about seeing how those 2 years go, and if I don’t like home anymore I might consider moving back to New York. I just think of it as home now-which is sad because I am leaving. I think my family will be really happy to have me back, but I am feeling conflicted.

I thought this year would be really stressful, but I am finding that it is not that bad. This semester was tough to handle at first, but I gradually got in sync with what I needed to be doing. I’ve been active with the tennis club, and it’s been amazing. This year the club has been much more active, and it’s been nice to be able to play and go to tournaments. I think I might try joining a country club when I go home.

I’m a little stressed about going back home because I still need to find a job. I’ve been applying to jobs from school, but so far I haven’t heard anything back. It’s a little frustrating. I’m going to keep applying though because I know that I will eventually get an interview. I just kind of made a mistake with my major, and I want to work in a different kind of environment.

I started volunteering at CTL (Crisis Text Line), and I have found the experience to be very eye-opening for me. I like helping people, and I like to listen. This spring I am also enrolled in a counseling course that has helped me a lot too. I think that it helped me decided what I want to move forward towards. I hope that I can keep going towards my goals.

Anyway this year has been great. I’m looking forward to being done with this chapter of my life. Time to continue on. I’m not sure how often I will blog. I won’t make any promises, but I’ll try to get on more.


You got to keep going on. You gotta keep dreaming.

Long Month

There has been so much stuff going on this month, and now it’s almost over. Which means that finals week is approaching now too. I’m excited to go home. I miss my family and my friend. My dad just had surgery, and I’m sad that I wasn’t able to be there. Everything went well, but I wish I had been able to be there. 

I’ve packed most of my college stuff now. My dorm room is really deconstructed now. It’s sad, but I’m anxious to be home. I’m going to be busy this summer. There is so much stuff that I need to do in order to graduate on time. 

I am excited for next year though because I’m going to be living with my friend. It should be a good time. We have both complained a lot about our roommates, and now we are finally going to try to live together. I hope everything will go well. 

I’m anxious about traveling. It used to be exciting, and now I just want to get it over with. It’s just a waste of a day. I wish there was a simpler way to travel. I hope I don’t miss my flights, and I hope they don’t get delayed because I just want to be home on time. 

I really don’t feel like studying at all for finals, but I should. It’s just a drag. I wish there was a simpler way to be done with school.