Tag Archive: Dark

You’ll Never Know

The pain is tearing at my soul.
Bringing my very being to a million shattered pieces.
You’ll never know how much I cared…
How much I loved
How much I wished I could just let you know.

My terrible decisions made me different.
They made better for the worst.
How could such a pure being be affected by such a tainted soul?

I tried to be good.
I tried to be different.
I tried to be a savior.
I tried to be someone I am not…for you.

It would never last.
Never Last Never Last Never Last
My darkness webbed out, spread out
It covered every fiber of me
And turned me into cowering poisonous monster

How could I even bare to taint something so angelic?
So purely innocent and free.
I’ll Just Go Just Go Just Go
You’ll Never Know Never Know Never Know

The least I could do is set you free.
No one deserves to be with such a being as me.
That’s how I was meant to be.
That’s how I was meant to stay.

Despair Despair Despair
The darkness is part of me.
It consumes me.
I’m one with it.

I refuse to forget it.
Refuse to acknowledge it.
Refuse to obstruct it.

Pain Pain Pain
I’ve dealt with worse.
Losing more is nothing.
There is just no more I can care about.

My soul is gone.
Every feeling dissipated.
Every moment cleared.

Freedom Freedom Freedom
I want my own thoughts to be real.
My own free will.



I would love comments on how to best improve it 🙂

Suicide is a a big issue in young people. People who commit suicide are confused about their feelings and emotions. There are many phases that people can go throughout when thinking about committing suicide them varying from unusual to common.
Vern R. Andres said,“Suicidologists believe that the leading motives for suicide are a sense of helplessness and hopelessness over some event in the person’s life over which they have no control, such as irreversible physical illness, or anguishing disruption in personal relations with no perceivable positive outcome.” In simpler terms, the person thinking about the suicide feels that there is no other way to end the matter, and they turn things around to accommodate their death as an effect. Suicide is a problem that reoccurs mostly in young adults (teens). Teens want to get the attention of those around them, and they leave hints hoping that someone will help them see how much they are really cared/loved for. Most suicide victims tend to be female because of their lacking availability to retain their strength (they often react, over dramatic). “The suicide threatener is not simply a manipulative person capriciously trying to get attention, but rather is someone who is in so much pain that they have concluded there is no other solution to their problem except a permanent end to pain…death”, says Dr. Andres. There are many steps to take once you’ve concluded that you are indeed suicidal. Stage one, is the resolution stage, where one struggles with moral and ethical issues of suicide. The second stage however, is the initiating phase, which formulates actual plans for the act of suicide. Finally, the last step, is Postponement, which is the relaxing and waiting for the act of suicide. When you are suicidal your mind is intent on thinking about it and only it.
Suitable traits in the process of suicide are unusual periods of sleepiness, sudden changes in appetite, weight, or sexual drive, loss of interests in family, friends, and family pursuits, frequent discussion of death, the wish to die or feelings of worthlessness, sudden unusual interest in death and death rituals, unexplainable or illogically giving away priced possessions, and collecting information on means for suicide. (The Crisis of Suicide) If any of the above are going on to someone close to you it’s best to take them to the hospital to see if things are truly what they seem. Suicidal people feel trapped and emotional this quote is a good way to show how others feel, “Encompass’d with a thousand dangers, weary, faint, trembling with a thousand terrors…I…in a fleshy tomb, am buried above ground.” (William Cowper) Suicidal People just want to find some comfort, love, acceptance: “In the midst of these squalid, ugly, and such irksome days, they seek at last, finding no comfort, no remedy in this wretched life, to be eased of all by death…to be their own butchers and execute themselves.” Sometimes people just can’t see the beauty that exists in them, and their own painful thoughts trigger things that have never been true. Other forms of a mental illness can contribute to suicidal tendencies. Disorders that have a terrible, confusion, pain, etc. contribute to the developing of suicidal thoughts. “Stretch me out no longer on this rough world.”-Lear. Death is inevitable it happens to all us whether it’s expected or not, it doesn’t take into consideration what you feel or what you want, it can all be over in a blink of an eye.
“O, yet we trust that somehow good will be the final goal of ill, to pangs in nature, sins of will, defects of doubt, and taints of blood.”-Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Many cultures believe that it’s a sin to commit suicide, but how they know how it feels…to be lost, tortured, scared? Suicide is a hard concept it does not just deal with the person committing the act, it deals with everyone in the family no one is left behind; “Suicide is a crisis for the individual, for the family, and for the community. It is a unique kind of death, and the most malignant manifestation of depression.” Self mutilation can be described as another form of suicide or self-destructive behavior. Bengt J Saftsten wrote, “The route lies through suicidal thoughts, suicidal gestures, attempted suicide (where self-starvation and medical non-compliance leads to death).” Your life is yours to control, but is it right for others to stand there and watch you suffer from something that they could have saved you from. Is it alright for them to just have let you out of their grasp so easily? They could have helped, they should have helped, yet they just stood there and watched you tear yourself apart. Or was it your decision to end it, was there really no going back from it? Death, a terrifying powerful word, would you have ended it anyway, even if they had tried to bring you back from your revere.
“You have a choice live or die. Every breath is a choice. Every minute is a choice. To be or not to be.”-Chuck Plalhniuk. Whether you decide to or no the choice is yours, whether you risk such pain for those who care is your burden to bare. “Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.”- Phil Donahue. Suicide can be your answer, but is it really solving anything, is it really changing your world so much? “Suicide sometimes proceeds from cowardice, but not always; for cowardice sometimes prevents it; since as many live because they are afraid to die, as die because they are afraid to live.”-Charles Caleb Colton Do you think that those that die, due to an incurable disease, don’t deserve your shot at life? Do you really believe that you have such a menacing, cruel, wretched life…what about those who never got the chance? Those who knew they would not make it to be parents or even make it throughout their life in high school. What about those who will never grow up to achieve their goals? Wouldn’t you just rather live for all those young children who will never get the chance to see the light once more?
“Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramps.
Guns aren’t lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.”


**This is only a rough draft**