I’m happy.
I’m happy.
Keep Smiling.
Keep Laughing.

Hold it in.
Never let go.
They’ll destroy you.
They’ll accuse you.

You’ll be alone.
You’ll be alone.
No one will like you.
No one will care.

Desolation Destruction Devastation
You’re Ugly.
You’re Grotesque.
You’re Revolting.

Who could ever love you?
Who could ever stand the sight?
Demented Deranged Despicable
no No NO

Be content.
Be good.
Control yourself.

No one will know.
No one will know.
No one will find out…
Just contain the monster inside.

This was more of a spur of the moment thing. I didn’t want to edit my earlier post because this is like a completely different topic…a little disturbing if I am being honest with myself.